Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Trip - Day 14

July 23, 2011

You certainly can't visit Grandma and Grandpa's house in Idaho without a walk in the nature park.

Sylvia loved waling Jagger. He was just her size.

Sylvia even tried to show Jagger the joys of playing on climbing equipment. He was not looking very convinced as he toppled down the slide behind her.

Grandpa figured if Jagger could do it, he could too.

The ducks were glad for the morning snack of bread.

When we walked back home, Sylvia pulled out her loose tooth. It is her first one to fall out, and she was very proud.

With all of our other kids, we would invite neighbors over for an impromptu "Lost Tooth" party when this happened. So, Mattias got busy baking a chocolate cake, and I called the cousins to inform them we were having Sylvia's Lost-Tooth party that afternoon.

Since none of my siblings were in Montana when our older kids lost their teeth...this was a first for them. They were a bit baffled by the concept, but gamely played along.

First we had to have the traditional dancing of the Lost Tooth story. (You pretend to be a tooth, growing in a baby's mouth, then learning to eat, and finally falling out, and flying away with the Tooth Fairy.) It is just your basic interpretative dance, with a few scarves, and a few musical instruments.... pretty goofy.

My dad thought the dance needed an international twist, and came to do a little Mexican dance for us.

After a game of Pin-the-Tooth on the Mouth... we all enjoyed cake by Mattias.

The picture above shows my brother in law, Kevin, keeping a close eye on the wheat thin box, while Addy, Sylvia, and Spencer smile for a picture.

Above is Spencer, Daniel and Kaydee's youngest. -He is a natural ball player already.

The little boys were fascinated with Maya. Caleb (Becca and Kevin's boy) is on the left. Maya was very good natured about having them climb all over her, with sticky cake fingers. Hmmm... Maybe it was the sticky cake fingers that she liked best.

Sylvia and Addy had a tea party on Grandma's front lawn. These two girls got along so well. Noel loved getting to know this cousin better.

Later that night, we all went swimming in Daniel's office building. The place was empty except for us. We swam, then ordered pizza. After eating, some fierce ping-pong matches ensued. I also learned that Noel is pretty good with a pool stick.

I decided to resign our game, and let the little girls play with the balls, instead of having Noel crush me.

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