Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Trip - Day 13

July 22, 2011

We packed the van this morning, and my heart was so sad to be leaving Missoula. It is nice to know the mountains do not change. They will be waiting for us next time we visit.

We drove Asher to his last day of camp. They made T-shirts, and got ready for the poetry reading/ pizza party that all the families were invited to at noon.

While he was at camp, I dropped Noel and Sylvia off at the library for a pre-school storytime. Mattias wanted to climb the "M". It was the last thing left on our "Things to do in Missoula" list. We had one hour to get it done.

For some reason, the girls did not want to join us. Sylvia is somewhat traumatized by the mega Fuse Lake hike we did earlier in in the week, and refused to climb any more mountains.

The hike was great. With the help of 11 switchbacks, you climb a steep 630 feet.

We made the climb in 22 minutes. We took only one break for water. I think that was even faster than I climbed it when I was in college. Mattias is such a solid trooper. He hikes steady, and doesn't complain. He said this hike was his favorite part of the trip.

The view was great. Mattias would like to continue up over the top of the mountain and explore the trails on the backside next time. - Yet another thing we will have to look forward to next trip out West.

After our descent from the lofty perch of Mount Sentinel, we picked up the girls, and Grandma and Grandpa met us on campus for Asher's poetry reading party. He read loud and confidently. I was so proud of him! Then with lots of hugs and farewells, we drove south to my the land of the Idaho grandparents and cousins.

Here are the two poems Asher read:

The River

I flow in silence
moving with grace
my long blue arms
and flowing face.

I sweep trees
and branches away.

I am home for fishes
and a road for travelers
who sit on my back
scratching me
with long wooden oars.

I am a hunter
for unsuspecting prey
for those who fall in
and I carry away.

I am a river
proud and strong.

I am a river
finding my way.

The next poem is the one he did from a piece of art in the museum. He said the sculpture looked like a man hiding behind a bush, with a bird sitting on it.

The Lie

He ran.
He ran through the forest

Fleeing from the truth.

He knew he could not escape it
but he ran nevertheless.

He looked behind him.
The while dove followed him.

It was the essence of truth.
It seeks lies
never ceasing.

The man hid.
He jumped behind a bush
where he could hide from the truth.

The dove alighted next to the man
Its bright presence illuminated the lie he had spoken

and he hid no longer.

1 comment:

Momma Banna said...

I was trying to find the part about me....cause that was the most exciting part of my trip that day. Come see me again very soon and visit abit longer....;-)