I will never forget how stiff I was this morning, crawling out of my tent at 6 AM, to go run Maya. I thought I'd never be able to bend down to get out the door... I did make it out though, and the stiffness from yesterday's hike eventually wore off.
Asher went down the Clark Fork River with his writing group this morning. They had a geologist come and speak with them about Glacial Lake Missoula, and talked with them about the river's rocks. Asher thought it was neat you could see the water level lines high up on the hills surrounding the town. They found favorite river rocks, and wrote river poetry.
We did some serious napping this afternoon, then Brad took us out to Frenchtown Pond after dinner. The idea was, to get Asher to catch a fish - since he lost the one at the lake yesterday.
Sylvia and Mattias had a good time swimming (sylvia using emply milk jugs as floats).
Asher caught some very tiny sunfish, he was not impressed with the size... but he did finish his scout fishing requirement with them. Brad taught him to clean, and descale the fish. They cooked them, and we all got a tiny bite.
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