Sunday 8 March 2009

What have we been up to?

Does this picture look as if my children are extra-angelic? I'm sure they were that day. I was sick, so Sean took the day off and they went on an outing to a beautiful indoor botanical garden in Madison.

Sylvia's comment, when looking at these pictures was "My sweater, It make me hot!"
The fuzz on the first shot was caused by the excessive humidity in the warm building.

The lush greenery was a nice change from the snowy winter weather.

Noel was impressed that they could grow their own bamboo.

They were impressed with the citrus trees. This is a loquat tree. Noel is now trying to grow a mango tree in her room.. but the pit molded.

Lego Robot club has been a fun part of every week. On Tuesdays, Mattias has 3 friends over, and they build different robots to accomplish different tasks set out in a book. Noel is on the couch in back, knitting. She usually goes to a knitting club on Tues. afternoons, and Asher goes to a friends house for a boardgame club.

This is a new phase of Syvia's life : Library Storytime. Every Tuesday morning, we walk down to the library, and they read stories, dance to songs, and then make a craft project related to the theme. Here Sylvia is modellig her Valentine Heart crown, and showing a penguin she made from another week. She gets so excitied when I tell her it is storytime day. She jumps around and squeels with joy.
The boys have been busy withcub scouts. We had the Blue and Gold banquet last month, and Asher got his Arrow of Light award. He is now into Boy Scouts. Mattias has been busy finishing requirements to earn his Bear patch.

And this is how our kitchen usually looks on Sunday afternoons. Sean and the boys have a long-running Dungeons and Dragon game going. They have been playing sections of it for a couple months now. It keeps the boys busy, while Sylvia and I practice our napping skills. Noel usually reads, or knits while watching the game.

And that is the scoop from the McMullin household. We are excited to be moving into spring, and soccer season. Soon we should have pictures with flowers in them!


Beee said...

yea! A new post. It is so weird to see that you have kids and they are growing like weeds.After all, it was only three years ago we were in Visby, wasn't it?

Shila said...

Debbie, you guys do so many fun things with your family. It is great to have blogs to keep in touch with eachother and all our ongoings!

Grandma said...

Hi, thanks for the new post. Love the pictures. Asher is looking more and more like your dad, Deb. Go Boy Scouts!

Brad and Liz said...

Thanks for the new photos. Sylvie looks happy and is her usual photogenic self. I'm glad you are finding warm things to do in the freezing weather!

Hanna said...

Thanks for posting this Deb! I love to see all that you are up to, and sorry to hear that you have been sick. Well, over here we are also looking forward to spring, and it is coming. =) But it looks like you have survived the winter gracefully.
