Tuesday 31 March 2009

Spring Break Fun - Farmer Noel

We have some friends, the Tysons, who asked Noel to take care of their animals while they were gone on spring break. Noel has loved it. Sylvia also loves coming along on our early moring outings. Here are some shots from this mornings visit.

This is looking out at the barn and pasture from the house. The frogs in the pond decided to wake up this morning and sounded like a lawn mower. It sounded better the last couple days, when it was below freezing, and the frogs were quiet but the birds sang.

After taking care of the house animals (cats, fish, dog), Noel moves to the outside pets. She loves the bunnies. She has been begging all week for her own.

This is her favourite bunny. While Noel plays with the rabbits the horses see us outside, and Gjerte (a Noreign Fjord horse) comes over to greet Noel.
Sylvia has learned the names of almost all the cats, including these barn cats. She says that they are her favourite animal that we take care of.

The chickens has some eggs for us this morning. Noel likes to hold the freshly laid warm ones in her hands to keep them warm. Today we let Sylvia gather the eggs.

She was so excited. It was like practising for Easter. I wonder if farmers think Easter-egg hunts are dorky. The eggs we found were all different colors and sizes. I like the pale blue ones best.

Gjerte sticks her head in to see why we are taking so long with the chickens. She is worried we are going to forget about her breakfast.

This is Peanut. She also is wondering what is on this morning's menu.

Noel brings them a couple flakes of baled hay, and looks like a true farm girl. I wish I could buy her a farm for Chirstmas. :)

Feeding the chickens is fun. Noel fills up their feeders, then sprinkles some on the ground. Sylvia was shocked by how loud the ten chickens were. Now she just laughs, and crows back at them.

They have all sorts of different breeds. I think the chickens are beautiful. They are fun to watch.

This fellow though, is trouble. His name is Stew, and he didn't like Noel visiting his chicken yard yesterday. He attacked her leg, and left a nice beak-mark through her jeans. Sean says jeans are more than just a fashion statement for farmers. I can see why . Now we just keep clear of Stew. He makes our spring-break farm adventrue have an edge of danger in it. What more could you want?


Sean said...

Lots of great pictures, especially the Noel and bunny one.

I like that edge of danger... it makes egg collecting seem very heroic!

Hanna said...

Our kids loves to look at these pictures - they love farm animals! Julius even has an imaginary friend - a cow - that follows him everywhere!

Looks like Noel is doing a lot of work! What a girl!!
/ Hanna

casatyson said...

The pictures were great!!! It makes us wish we lived on a farm. Oh wait!! We do!!!!

Thanks a lot once again for taking care of the animals.

Shila said...

How fun! That's a lot of animals to be in charge of, but looks like she did a great job! Great thing those trampolines! If we got one we would have to have a fence first. Bummer, that's one expencive tramp!

Grandma said...

Loved the new pictures. Noel looks like she is really enjoying herself - she had better marry a farmer!

I am so glad you have a trampoline! Great exercise for everyone. Hurrah for naps! Grandma Liz

Anonymous said...

Fun photos. Reminds me of all the animals we used to have at our home in Missoula.
The attack rooster looks similar to one we used to have - made the mistake once of jumping on my back!

He was too tough to eat.