Friday 16 November 2012

Rexburg Highlights: First - The Water Park

     Rexburg has a number of things that are a must-do when we go visit.   First, is the water park.  Along with being free, it is next to a carousel, and sells incredibly cheap cotton candy.  It is the perfect place to survive 100 degree desert afternoons.

   My mom proved to be an experience carosel rider with Sylvia.  With all the grandkids she takes here, I'm sure she could get frequent flier miles if they offered it.

 Sylvia loved pretending to be a mermaid in the water. 

 Mattias was a good sport and played for hours with Sylvia, while my mom and I sat on a blanket and read or visited.   Below is Mattias on the right, with Sylvia on the left hidden by an impressive splash of water.

Cotton candy in Wisconsin sells for $5 a bag, but here it was only a dollar.  The kids were in heaven.  They would've lived off the stuff, if I had not set a limit to one bag each.  (Mean mom points with that one!)

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