Sunday 31 July 2011

The Trip - Day 5

July 14, 2011

Brad was working on paving the edge of the driveway today. In the morning boys helped Grandpa lay sand, and some blocks. Later in the day, we attended a 50th wedding anniversary party of some fellow church members, and got to see lots of friends from long ago.

All that visiting though, made us feel the need for some solitude and open space. Where do we usually go when we need a break, when in Missoula? - The Rattlesnake.

Sylvia loved trying to imitate Noel and the boys, creeping up a downed tree trunk next to the trail.

Noel was the most successful in climbing along the tree branch, which ended at height around 15 feet off the ground. Perhaps it was due to her new 5 toe Vibram shoes.

Seeing Sylvia climb up, and slide down this hillside along the trail brought back years of wonderful memories. All the kids have worn out their pants, shorts, and snowsuits, doing this slide in all seasons. It must be a genetic thing.

The river was running high after so much snow and rain this year, so we had to walk up the trail to the bridge in order to find a place shallow enough to wade in.

The water was freezing cold... as Asher discovered.

Mattias thought that was pretty funny... until he tried it.

Everyone got into the action, counting out loud to see who could stay in the longest.

After he came out of the water, he spent the next five minutes telling me how it was numbing all the nerves in his feet, and he might never recover. Sylvia didn't seem to mind as much. She and Asher tied with 50 seconds in, as the co-winners of the freezing water competition.

1 comment:

Brad and Liz said...

That's not a contest I would like to participate in!