Wednesday 14 April 2010

Noel: Landscaper Pro

The days before Easter found Sean and Noel working on a 4-H landscaping project. The goal was to get a path put in our front yard, where we always cut across. They were pressed for time, because Sean only had 2 days off, and a rain storm was on the way. It took hours of work, but they did a great job.

Here is a before picture of the front yard.

This was a tough part... cutting the sod, and smoothing the ground. We have a lot of old trees on the property, and an neighbor had to bring over a saw to cut through on huge underground root.

Here they have filled it with a gravel/sand mix, and started laying the bricks. Noel picked them out. They were a great choice.

And finally, a path. It is really nice not to be slipping in mud as we go in the house from the car. Next step... to fill the spot between the bushes with plants, and edge it with stones.

Noel also enjoys indoor plants. Along with a landscaping project she has been learning about houseplants, and starting them from clippings. Here she is with some of her plant-pets.

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