Wednesday 14 April 2010

Mattias and robots

After Lego League ended in Nov., we were a little burnt out from hosting kids daily in our house, programming and building on the Lego NXT robot. Two other families volunteered to take the robots and keep the activities going. Hurrah for them!

Here is Mattias at the Johnson's house, trying out a catapult he built. He is trying to knock down a lego wall with a ball.

The Johnson's invited a dozen other homeschool kids that were interested, several from Madison, to come over weekly and build together. They have a large space, with several computers set up, and several robots. It is a great experience. We've met some nice boys. Mattias says it is the highlight of his week.

While Mattias is doing robot work, Sylvia and I play outside with the little girl in the family. They like to chase the chickens. Sylvia hasn't been able to catch one yet. Maybe with more practice.

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