Tuesday 30 December 2008

Becca's Wedding Day

We flew to Idaho, Dec 17 - Wednesday, to meet up with the rest of the Chiddix clan. We were celebrating the wedding of the youngest Chiddix sibling - Beautiful Rebecca! We met her fiance, Kevin Walker that evening... and found him an acceptable match.
Sean's parents drove 5 hours down from Montana, and stayed in a motel, just to see us while we were in the west. The kids got to spend some fun times with them. I enjoyed singing Christmas carols with them in their motel the night before they drove back north. They are leaving to France next week to be missionaries. They will return in 2 years. We will miss them greatly.

My mom had dozens of cupcakes that needed baked and decorated for the wedding. Along with mint making, I spent most of one day baking pan after pan of cupcakes. I shall never allow Noel to serve cupcakes at here wedding - they are too much work!
Here is my mom with some of the finished product.

Becca and Kevin were sealed in the Rexburg Temple. It was one of the nicest ceremonies I have ever heard. I don't have pictures, because it was a blizzard outside... but we went to a photography studio to get lost of family pictures afterwards.
This is a random shot we had taken in the hallway after the photographer was finished.

Gettting ready for the reception that night was an adventure. It is good that I had sisters who are talented in decorating come to help out. Below is a picture of Kevin and Sean, after they had finally found the cord needed to make the sound system work! The computer guys save the day!

Noel and Nicole (a cousin) were supposed to be setting out trays of mints and cupcakes. But, I think they did a little sampling. They are looking awfully guilty here.

We are relying on other family members for some good photography, since I was too busy visiting with old neighbors, and Sean was with Sylvia. This is the best shot we got of Becca that night. She was beautiful... the picture doesn't do her justice.

Here is Asher the reception party animal! One of my favorite times was before the reception, when Asher, Braxton (his cousin) and I were practicing being DJ's over the sound system. I loved singing "Chicken Fry..." with Braxton. :)

This is what Sean saw for most of the reception. He spent a lot of the time entertaining Sylvia in the nursery.
Finally, everybody was exhausted. Here is my sister-in-law, Kaydee, holding a neice (Darci) who is ready for bed.


Beee said...

I am glad that your trip turned out so nice. It was a pleasant surprise to see that you had posted to your blog. I hope all else is well with your family. Happy New Year!

Brinda Chiddix said...

Deb- love the blog. You are so creative. By the way, KayDee was holding Addisen not Darci. Sounds like your trip was anything but boring.