Sunday 28 July 2019

Ephraim's 6th Birthday!

     Ephraim's birthday started out with us walking down to the bakery for a breakfast birthday donut.  He chose a cookie that had a butterfly ring on it instead.  When it's your birthday, you can have cookies for breakfast.
     Afterwards I decorated an ocean-themed cake, since he had been reading about fish and the ocean lately.

 After lunch we went to a friend's pool, and hosted his party from there. He invited three families of his friends. It was beautiful weather and the kids had a great time.

Ireland and Ephraim doing a double jump!
Straton doing a mega jump 30 feet high! (or so it seemed.)
Cannon chilling in the water.
Wells, enjoying an otter pop
Brittany trying to keep Wells happy during nap time!

Elizabeth holding Owen, while Issac watches the alligator-floaty frenzy.
Brooke keeping baby Mattie happy while Cannon looks debonair.
Singing Happy Birthday to Ephraim!
Blowing out the candles, with some help.
Otter Pops and chocolate cake break!

We saved a chunk of the cake for dinnertime, so we could have candles and presents with Sean after dinner. You can never blow out enough candles, or have too much cake, when you are six.

A new wii game from us was a hit.

As was the card that Grandpa and Grandpa McMullin sent.  Ephraim loves cards!

The next day he put together a lego kit one of his friends gave him, and wore his new birthday shirt, "Potter Cats" (which he thinks is hilarious).

Life is pretty good, when you are six, and already missing two teeth.

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