Monday 3 March 2014

Ephraim - 7 months

Ephraim is 7 months now, and ready to take on the world.  Last week he pulled up in his crib for the first time, and the look of pride and power on his face was priceless.

"I am baby - hear me roar!"

This morning, he had a good time dumping blocks all over, and scooting around on our floor. When the dog came to lay down by him, he thought it was great fun to grab the little white tip of her tail.  Luckily, we have a very tolerant dog.

This month Ephraim has had his first sled experience, just sitting... but he would rather be snug in his enclosed stroller, covered in blankets.  It was a too cold of a winter to do much outside with Ephraim.  (And yes, he is in Sylvia's old pink snowsuit.  It really confuses people when we go out places.)

Ephraim has piercing blue eyes, lots of hair, and a deep laugh.  He isn't as squeely  as Sylvia was, for which our ears are grateful.    He is very busy, curious, and opinionated  - traits I expect he will keep for life.  Here are some pictures from this past month.

It has been a busy time, but one worth it.   It has been especially  rewarding to see the older kids learn how to make him happy and notice when he needs something.  They will be great parents down the road.   Ephraim is a blessing to us all. 

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