Thursday 20 December 2012

The Best Reason to visit Rexburg

The best reason to visit Rexburg is.... (drum-roll please).... my parents!

 They are even more wonderful that all the other local highlights, the cheap cotton candy and water parks. They were good parents, but the have become fabulous grandparents.

 When we visit, the whole world revolves around what the kids want. My parents go out of their way to make it a wonderful time. They set up slip and slides in the backyard, keep scooters in the garage, keep stockpiles of treats around, take us to see the fun local sites, and are always asking ... "what would the kids like to do?" Would they like to swim? How about some shopping?

 They find out the small things the kids enjoy. Mattias loves going to farmers markets and sampling fudge. So, on the last couple trips, my dad has taken him and supported his fudge sampling. When Sylvia saw some cute flower hair-clips at the market, my dad of course bought here some saying "Flowers for my pretty flower."

 My mom cooks feasts that will satisfy the stomach of any teenage boy. She  always pats them on the back and tells them what wonderful handsome boys they have become.

 When I wanted to go up to the temple for an evening... they didn't just "watch" Sylvia for me. They had a whole party evening focused on her.  Sylvia's favorite movie, snacks, reading books, etc.   She was in heaven.

And when one of the grandkids gets the stomach flu, it certainly doesn't phase my mom.  This time, she drove Mattias home while I stayed and finished watching Asher's concert, and got him tucked comfortably in bed.

When we visit, my parents make the kids feel like they are the most important thing in their world.  This is priceless... every kids needs to feel that way.  They are definitely the best reason to visit Rexburg.

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