Friday 15 June 2012

Sylvia turns 6 Yrs Old!

It was a wild a crazy day at the McMullin house on June 6th. Some goblins had stolen the Fairyland guard dog, Maya. The birthday guests were turned into fairy helpers, and started a quest to find the lost dog. After fun games (bean bag tosses, pin the nose on the goblin, and more), the successful fairy helpers celebrated with a grand party.

     Of course there was a Fairy birthday cake to be devoured by hungry fairy helpers. It was bright pink inside, in case you were wondering.

Sylvia made a birthday wish just as she was about to blow out her candles.  She said "I wish for more My Little Ponies!"   Luckily a few of her birthday guests had anticipated her deepest desire, and she was very thrilled to open a few ponies in her present pile.

    Another exciting gift was an afternoon of horseback riding lessons with her sister, Noel.

 The lesson wasn't just about riding horses.  The girls learned to catch, lead, groom, saddle and generally take care of the horses.  They learned how to clean hooves with a hoof pick, and how to properly adjust a saddle blanket.

     Sylvia was very nervous to lead a big horse along at first.  She kept looking back at the big hooves coming awfully close to her.  By the end of the day though, she was a pro.  Not only could she walk a horse anywhere she wanted, she could ride one as well.  She was walking all around the arena, steering in different directions, and stopping when she wanted.  I just looked in amazement.

One of Sylvia's favorite games was to try to ride and catch Noel on her horse.  Noel was learning to trot, and having great time.  She kept smiling, and said she likes it even more than diving.  I was so glad to see my girls having a great day together.  Sylvia could only walk on her horse, but she would take shortcuts across the middle of the arena to try to catch up to Noel.  We will have to do more in the future.

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