Saturday 26 November 2011

Field Trip to Babcock Hall

One day in this fall, we went on a fieldtrip to the famouse Babcock Hall, up on the University of Wisconsin's campus. We took a short tour of their dairy plant. Here Noel is taking shots of the dairy production floor below.

At the time we were there, they were making chocolate milk. -Giant vats of chocolate milk. This is probably what set off Asher's current chocolate milk cravings. The most difficult part to watch, was a guy dumping bottle, after bottle of chocolate milk onto the floor, to run down a drain. Apparently the do a first run, when they are squirting it into the plastic bottles. If they are not filling to the proper level, they reset the machine, and just dump those bottles out onto the floor.

My favorite memory of the day, was kicking back with the kids in the ice-cream shop on the first floor. I am so glad everyone is old enough to eat their own ice cream without spills and drips everywhere. The best flavor (or so I thought) was a pumpkin pie scoop that Sylvia ordered. It was creamy, and perfectly spiced! We are going to try to make some of our own pumpkin pie flavored ice cream at home.

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