Tuesday 22 July 2008

Hinkypunk Summertime Activities

What do hinkypunks spend hours doing in the summer? Well.. wonder no longer. Below is a rare insight into their daily lives.
First, feast your eyes on the best outfitted action figure on the block. The boys spent hours making various swords and shields for him.

Here is the armoury. It has a wide selection of shields, swords, pikes, lances, and a bow.
The armoury continues to grow, and I am informed that it is now a "billion times improved." This is very likely, since my whole roll of aluminum foil is now almost empty.

Here is the master armourer at work. Notice the sweat on his brow from the hot fires of his forge.

The armoury also doubles as a writers-center. This weekend we re-arranged the boys room (also know as semi-annual cleaning day). They now have a place for the typewriter Asher bought at a garage sale this month. I often hear "click click ding" coming from behind closed doors. They produce weather reports, stories, and general announcements of great importance. The boys also have a place for the encyclopaedia set they bought at the library book sale. Mattias uses it to research tornadoes. More on that later.

And here is Sylvia, the most amazing computer navigator of the family. This picture was taken to commemorate the moment she learned to "click" on a mouse. It has opened a new range of game playing possibilities for her. This sit shown is one of the families favourites, Boowa and Kwala songs, at http://www.uptoten.com/kids/boowakwala-home.html
This site has fun songs and games in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch.

We tried to capture Noel in a free time activity, but she is usually reading or swimming. Due to a lack of underwater camera, we'll continue trying to get an exciting picture of her reading. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much those Hinkypunks are growing up! Mats is so cool sitting there with his leg crossed in the chair. They are growing so fast. Have fun fishing!

Lisa (The Chiddix Lisa)