Sunday 4 November 2007


In about 900 A.D., a city was started which would grow to about 15,000 inhabitants. This city was built along the shore of a large tributary of the Mississippi river. It had watchtowers, temples, many houses, and a huge wall. They withstood disease, crop failures, and invasion. But at about 1300 A.D., something made them leave.

I think it was the mosquitos.

Whatever the answer, the place is interesting to visit. It was called Aztalan by its discoverer, who hoped that it had been made by Aztecs. And with the step pyramid mounds it certainly looks similar.

The postholes for the walls were uncovered by archaeologists, and new posts have been added around part of the large site.

The grasses were very tall here, so one of the hinkypunk games was hiding in the grass and jumping out to scare Sylvia, who seems to enjoy the thrill of any scary game. The above picture is Sylvia hiding in the grass with Noel as they plan to turn the tables on Asher and Mattias!

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